It's funny how easily everything fell into place. Jeff took to being a daddy instantly. He immediately said "there will be no 'step' anything in our house" and there wasn't. He loved little Paigey Poo and Macie May just like his own. At first, they called him Jeffie but before long, they asked him if they could call him daddy. That was it, he was hooked! He has always been there for them; stayed home with them when they were sick, was at every school event and anything they asked of him. I feel very blessed because I never thought I would have that type of husband or that my family would be complete again. We compliment each other well as far as raising our kids~he's layed back and keeps my uptight self grounded! I've learned more from him then he could have ever learned from me~crazy as that sounds.
Shortly after we were married, we decided to have a baby (mainly because I was getting too old)!!! It took almost 2 years for us to get pregnant! Honestly, we had all but given up and said God just wanted us to have our girls and we were both happy with that! A few months later, I thought I just might be pregnant but had been disappointed so many times before that I was scared to take a test. I decided I would and there it was, 2 pink lines!! We prayed for a boy because we didn't want the girls to feel like they had to compete with us having another girl~God answered our prayers and on September 13, 2000, Brennan Kyle joined our family! His big sisters, Paige Elizabeth and Macie Hope, were so excited. He had 3 mommies and fits the mold of the youngest child~spoiled! We have been blessed~3 times and then some!!!
Awesome. Having a blended family can be very hard (don't *I* know it)--you are truly blessed.