Thursday, May 6, 2010
Raising Kids...a piece of cake...HA!
If your reading this thinking "ok, here's the good stuff and she's going to tell all", think again! I have three kids and have been through many "untellable" situations, so this blog will be about how Jeff and I try to handle things as parents. I will talk about different things we have been through, but for the sake of my kids privacy, I won't tell all!!!
It's not easy having three kids but it sure is exciting! When your children are as spread out as ours, you encounter all kinds of situations. Some you might expect and some slap you in the face and you think "my child would have never done that"...wrong!!! It's not if they will do something wrong, it's a matter of when!
We are by no means experts when it comes to parenting, in fact, far from it. We learn as we go. Everyone has their own way of handling things, but our approach is to try and be as honest and open with our kids as possible. If you don't tell them the truth, someone else will tell them what they want to hear! If you hold on to tight, they will go behind your back and if your to loose, they will think everything is okay and you have no where is that happy medium? We are still searching for it! Jeff is the one that Paige goes to about everything (I'm the freak out queen according to her). Macie seems to come to me more and I really like that. Brennan is still young enough that either one of us will do! It's funny how one child feels more comfortable with one parent and one with another, but that's balance and it works!
Last week Macie made the comment that some of her friends think I am "strict" because I make her have a curfew. I will approach this from my view. She's 16 years old and a new driver. I want to make sure she is not laying on the side of the road all night and I think she is okay. I also think there is plenty of time for her to be an "adult" and at 16, she's not equipped to handle alot of things that come her yes, my 16 year old has a curfew. On the flip side of that, once Paige turned 18, we told her as long as we knew where she was and checked in, her curfew was gone. She decided to live at home and save money for a year. This way she could see what it's like to juggle work, college, money and free time. She wanted the same freedoms as being off at college or living on her own, so we gave her that. Now she is ready to move out on her own and has a better understanding of how things work. Thank goodness we have a little longer before we have to deal with raising a teenage boy and trying to see what works for him. That will be a challenge in itself...boys and opposites!!!
Yes, our kids work! They make good grades, are involved in extra activities and if they want to run the roads, they have to pay for it. We take care of the big stuff like cars, insurance, school activities and college, but clothes, gas and spending money is up to them. It's not cruel to make your kids learn responsibility~that's what life is about. I can see how well it has worked for our oldest. She is probably more mature and indepedent than most 30 year olds because she understands what it takes to make it. She was given a brand new car at 16, completely paid for and she hated it. I told her if we traded it in, she was responsible for the payment. She agreed and in a couple of months she will have paid for it in full. She pays for just about everything she does and she said she doesn't want credit cards because she wants to have good credit~what 19 year old says that?? Its not a sin to teach your kids what it takes to make it in life. If they are always handed everything, how will they ever learn...just our view.
I had kids starting at the age of 22, when most of my friends were still partying! So when they started having kids, my phone was ringing off the hook! "What do I do about this" and "how do I handle that"? LOL~you live and learn was my all time best answer. I'm no expert and I'm still learning and I'm 41 years old. I think the number one question I was asked and everyone is afraid to talk about is "how do you talk to your kids about SEX...shhh"...don't say it too loud...that's a bad word! Ha! Just talk to them and be honest. From the first time they ask "what does that mean", Jeff and I decided to be honest, tell them and let them know they could come to us about anything. We didn't talk about little flying birds or crazy buzzing bees, we talked about sex....the good, the bad and the scary! I'm not spilling our views on it all, but I will say that you shouldn't crawl under a rock and think your kids are perfect and that they won't be tempted because this is real life. Just let them know you are always available to talk and that you won't freak out (and if you do want to freak out, hold it in as hard as it is). doesn't matter if your a boy or a girl...friends can be rough. Our kids have more drama with friends than with anything else. Girls are mean and I kinda think little boys have drama's my opinion and only my opinion that if the parents would stay out of it and shut their mouths, the kids could handle their problems a lot better. I am one of those who gets mad and tries to tell my kids how to handle things because I don't like to see my children hurt. BUT, the worse thing I could do is to call other parents or take it out on the kids they are having problems with. Like I said earlier, you learn. If we want our kids to be mature, we need to be also...end of that story.
I wish I had a dime for everytime I have screwed up trying to raise my kids I would be a rich woman. I wish I had all the answers, but I don't. I do know that I have what I consider really great children. They are honest (almost too honest at times), they aren't major partiers, they love people and they have great hearts...we must be doing something right.
I will end by saying this. We raise our kids in a Christian home. We also think it's important that our home is their safe haven. They should be able to be who they really are. In that I mean, sometimes in the world we have to act different to feel "approved" by others, but home is your safe place where you can say and do what you feel! It's a very open speech and in expression. We are forgiving parents and understand that our kids are not perfect, but WE forgive them and move on, just like they have to forgive us for our screw up moves that we make as parents! Well, that's it...this is how we feel and what we it or not! All that really matters is our kids know we love matter what!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Our three greatest accomplishments

I know, every parent is proud of their children~but I have to say that Jeff and I think our kids are the greatest!!! It's amazing how much happiness they can bring to your life. Sometimes when it's quiet in our house, we look at each other and say, I wish the kids were all home! They grow up to fast! You blink and they're gone!!!
We sometimes think, how can 3 people that come from the same parents be so completely opposite, but they are! That's what makes them unique and special!
Paige Elizabeth - Born December 19, 1990
Paige was not due until January 10, 1991, but if you know her, you also know she has her own way of doing things and waiting is not one of them! So at 7:52 a.m. she decided it was time to come into the world. She weighed 6 lbs 4 oz and was 19 inches long. She was beautiful with a head full of black hair and dark eyes and olive skin. She was so dainty and loved to be held. That holds true to this day. She was the ultimate mommy's girl and where I was, so was she...hanging on my leg! These days, she is fun loving and likes to ride 4 wheelers, watch movies and has an adventurous side to her, but she really enjoys family time and just hanging out with those who mean the most to her. She's never been real talkative unless you get to know her, then watch out. She believes what she believes and if you don't see things her way, then she could care less. She doesn't judge others and is extremely giving. She is who she is~like it or not! One thing for sure, she is beautiful inside and out!
Macie Hope - Born March 11, 1994
One word describes Macie~feisty! She was born at 8:30 a.m. on a Wednesday morning, weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz & 20 inches long. As soon as she came out, she spit and started screaming! That lasted for days! She was so mad that we disturbed her from my warm stomach that she clawed her face with her fingernails, which had grown out because she was 2 weeks late!!! Macie also had a head full of hair and the most beautiful green eyes ever! The older she got, the more verbal she got and never met a stranger. She was the ultimate tom boy who liked to eat dirt and bugs. She hated clothes and would never let me brush her pretty long blond hair. Her personality is still like that except she cares about her clothes and hair. If you don't want to know the truth, don't ask Macie~I love her for that. I also tell her she has my traits and it can be a curse or a good thing...depends on how she uses it. She is smart, determined, outgoing, faithful and beautiful~awesome things to be blessed with.
Brennan Kyle-Born September 13, 2000
We got our boy! Brennan was born at 7:52 a.m. (notice the C-section trend with the times)! Brennan weighed 8 lbs 8 oz and was 21 inches long. Brennan had red hair and blue eyes. The one thing I remember about Brennan being born is the amazed look on Jeff's face when he got here...incredible. Speaking of, he is the spitting image of Jeff. Our little blond hair, blue eyed boy has always been a flirt and absolutely loves people. He has been smiling from the time he arrived. He has a way about him that makes everyone love him. He was always rough and rowdy, but he never wants to hurt anyone's feelings. He loves sports, dirt bikes, 4 wheeling, video games, music (can play the drums like no other) and his friends & family. He has manners and uses them!!! He loves his sissies more than anything. He has never really given us any trouble at all. He is the cutest little boy ever and has the sweetest dispositions. You can't help but love him!
An instant family

It's funny how easily everything fell into place. Jeff took to being a daddy instantly. He immediately said "there will be no 'step' anything in our house" and there wasn't. He loved little Paigey Poo and Macie May just like his own. At first, they called him Jeffie but before long, they asked him if they could call him daddy. That was it, he was hooked! He has always been there for them; stayed home with them when they were sick, was at every school event and anything they asked of him. I feel very blessed because I never thought I would have that type of husband or that my family would be complete again. We compliment each other well as far as raising our kids~he's layed back and keeps my uptight self grounded! I've learned more from him then he could have ever learned from me~crazy as that sounds.
Shortly after we were married, we decided to have a baby (mainly because I was getting too old)!!! It took almost 2 years for us to get pregnant! Honestly, we had all but given up and said God just wanted us to have our girls and we were both happy with that! A few months later, I thought I just might be pregnant but had been disappointed so many times before that I was scared to take a test. I decided I would and there it was, 2 pink lines!! We prayed for a boy because we didn't want the girls to feel like they had to compete with us having another girl~God answered our prayers and on September 13, 2000, Brennan Kyle joined our family! His big sisters, Paige Elizabeth and Macie Hope, were so excited. He had 3 mommies and fits the mold of the youngest child~spoiled! We have been blessed~3 times and then some!!!
How we met
Well, it's hard to believe we have been married for 12 years this summer. What a crazy ride it's been. It seems just like yesterday when we met!
It was a hot summer day on the beach and I was laying out with friends. This really hot, body pierced, muscled up guy with lots of tatoos came and sat beside me and struck up a stupid conversation. Me, going through a not so great divorce, decided I would play 'hard to get'. "Do you have a light" he asked. "For what, I don't smoke and you shouldn't either" I said. "What are you my momma" he asked. "No, but I'm old enough to be" was my response. He must have liked my smarty response because he was persistent. He called that night and asked me and my girls on a date to eat pizza and play video games...a big plus for me! After that day, we talked on the phone every night, all night and spent as much time with each other as we could. I knew he was younger so I freaked out a little. I kept thinking I have 2 girls, I'm way older and WHAT WILL EVERYONE SAY?? I quickly realized that I could care less what everyone thought. He was so good to me and my girls and they loved him! I never thought about him being 21 and me being 28 again. Two years later, we were married!
Not everyday has been perfect and we have had our ups and downs like most couples, but we are very best friends and it gets us through almost every situation. We think so much alike that it's crazy. I do have to say that the age difference keeps me younger and things exciting. I wouldn't trade what we have together for anything!
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